Hey, all! As you can see above, we have now updated the first 79 pages of the comic in FULL COLOR for your free enjoyment. I’ve also spruced up and improved the lettering, making it MUCH more readable than it was in 2010. Credit to Jordan Peters for the always fine color work.
There are now over 120 pages available on the Patreon, if you wish to come and help contribute and get us to our first hardcover! Plus, for the price of a coffee a month, you support independent art.
More color comics will be completed by the day, and posted on the Patreon first. You also get access to all of my novels, all of my comics, and PRINT copies of anything that comes out.
Also, I am proud to announce that Dex and I are now working on a follow-up Cura Te Ipsum project. Called Portals, it will tell stories in the Cura multiverse, starting soon. You’ll get to see it first on the Patreon exclusively, and get updates before the rest of the world, so go do!
Thanks for ELEVEN YEARS of support.

Hey, folks!
Long time no update! That only makes sense, I suppose, given that the comic has finished.
But has it?
As you can see above, I am now colorizing and updating the lettering for the book, slowly but surely. Jordan Peters is doing the colors, I’m tweaking the words. If you want in, a one dollar monthly pledge at the Patreon gets you two pages a week, along with essays, short stories, and a ton of other good stuff.
Video not mine, but germane to the following pages.
Hey, folks! If you can, please support our efforts to make a trade for the FINAL year of Cura here, at the Cura Te Ipsum Year Five Kickstarter!
We hope you can come along for the ride with us. If we manage to get this trade made, it puts us in a secure position to make the follow-up to Cura, The Domain, which looks like this (woo!):
It is an ambitious follow up, full color, and we’d love to bring it your way. Please help, if you can, and spread the word!
(crossposted to the Cura site, the mailing list, and the Patreon)
Check that out! It’s the cover to Year Five. Pretty awesome, no? I love how Dark Everett and Prime make a mushroom cloud. Dex really killed it!
Now that we have covers finalized, and the pages are locked, we are going to Kickstart Cura Te Ipsum Year Five in print on MAY NINTH!
This year we made a few changes, reflecting what we learned last year. We’re going back to the old printer, and we’ve got a much more modest, more easily achievable goal of $4,500.
If we are successful, we get an awesome book to share with you all. If we go OVER our modest goal, we can take some of those funds and apply them directly to the next comic, The Domain What’s The Domain? Well, as Patreon folks already know, The Domain is a story about humanity’s future, once we’ve conquered the stars, but not the greed and selfishness that drove us from Earth in the first place.
You’ll hear more about that soon, but for now, if you could set your chronometers and tweet-majiggers and the Book of Faces to help us have a bang-up first day, we’d REALLY appreciate it, because the first day of a Kick is the most important. We will have the standard fare of the previous Kickstarters, but if there’s anything you’d like to see outside of that, now’s the time to speak up!
If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask. Otherwise, enjoy a parting look at the hardcover! It’s by far my favorite of the five thusfar, and gives you an idea of how the coloring will look for The Domain, as well.