This is the official press release that covers today’s page… feel free to link to it and copy/paste at will!

The web comic “Cura Te Ipsum” ( hits a major turning point this Wednesday, the 16th of February, with the release of the 47th installment, a perfect jumping on point for new readers, and an unforeseen twist to followers of the comic. Creator/writer Neal Bailey has this to say about the series, his thoughts on multiverse storytelling, and why it’s a great time to join Charlie’s journey:

Q: For those who haven’t read the comic, can you give a quick introduction to the story so far?

NEAL BAILEY: Well, I was looking around at sci-fi/fantasy stories with multiverses, and it occurred to me that I had a take on the concept that was different, but maybe more fun. And without goatees!

Q: What’s the story about, in a nutshell?

NEAL BAILEY: Charlie Everett, a guidance counselor, decides to end it all. He’s been telling other people how to live their lives, yet he’s made a complete hash of his own. When he attempts to take his own life, another Charlie Everett appears and stops him. Charlie 2 introduces Charlie 1 to a host of his other selves, who have all teamed up to keep yet another Charlie – The Dark Everett – from murdering himself – ALL of his selves! – across multiple universes.

Q: Just how many Charlies are there?

NEAL BAILEY: Up to now we’ve seen just under a dozen of them. But there are more. A lot more. There are at least twenty I’ve got notes on, and probably three times that many waiting for my attention.

Q: And the title? Most folks don’t go to Latin in naming their comics. What does ‘Cura Te Ipsum’ mean?

NEAL BAILEY: It means “Physician, heal thyself.” The central conceit of the story is, of course, that Charlie has to find his self-worth to learn how to live his life. To heal himself. His encounters with his multiple selves, all these variations, are obviously key to that journey.

Q: So, why is now a good time to jump on the bandwagon?

NEAL BAILEY: The comic’s amazing artist Dexter Wee and I have spent months moving the chess pieces into position, and today we scatter them, kicking the story into high gear. The nice thing about a web comic is that you’re not restricted to a 22 – or now a 20 – page book to tell your installments. We took our time laying out our foundation, and now things get nuts!

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

NEAL BAILEY: Dexter and I are very proud of ‘Cura.’ We haven’t missed an update yet. As of this interview, we’ve got the next two months finished and ready to roll and we’re updating three times a week. If you’re looking for a good, solid, entertaining, sometimes funny, hopefully moving, and reasonably intelligent web comic, then we fit that bill. So please, give us a try! You’ll like what you see!

“Cura Te Ipsum,” by Neal Bailey and Dexter Wee, is found at, and is updated Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Questions should be directed to Neal Bailey at