Color Cura, Blogs, and More
Okay! So…
There has not been a recommendation and/or a “stuff I like” column in some time. Most of that is because I am hard at work on my novel about a dude named Max Carter who is kicking all kinds of cartel ass. It’s fun. It’s rad. You’ll dig it, I hope, some time soon in a book store near you. It also means that I shan’t have much time for many “what I like” blogs in the near future, though I do hope to pick them up again. I really don’t want to be that guy who promises content and doesn’t deliver, but I figure you’ll forgive this one, given the fact that I’ve never missed an update of the comic, presumably the reason you’re here. If you’re here to steal my wallpaper, why I oughta….
Also of note is the fact that I have RE-LETTERED pages 1-30, making them much improved with what I’ve learned over the last year and a half, and will soon be updating the first trade with a second edition, and updating the first pages on the site once that version is available, sans the watermarks, which I never liked in the first place. I apologize if this bugs anyone who bought the first edition and thinks that’s unfair of me. If it seriously bothers you, let me know, I’ll make it right. I still think the first versions are good and legible, but I’m also committed to improvement. There are no story changes involved in the cosmetic changes. Charlie still shoots first, not Greedo.
I am writing this particular entry, which may stay at the top of the blog for some time, for several reasons. The first, and most awesome, is this, another thing that’s been eating time, and the reason for the re-letter in the first place:

That’s right, folks, I’ve been working with an artist to get Cura colored for you guys. Woot! And the results have been awesome, to say the least. I went through a number of very extraordinarily great samples from some truly amazing artists, but the person who most fit what we were looking for is a gent named Rodrigo Diaz. He rocks, and he’s been working diligently to knock out the pages for the last few months. We have a number in the can, and we’ll have enough to make them available soon in some fashion.
This brings me to the question of HOW, something I’ve been rolling around in my head for quite some time.
Cura grows in readership, especially with things like the kind mention from Comics Alliance, Kate Coenen’s article on Yahoo, Four Colors and the Truth, Greg Rucka’s kind words, Anthony Cardno’s interviews and articles, and the IO9 article (plus others I don’t place here not for a lack of respect for them, just for the sake of brevity). Any time anyone wants to write us up, I’d be forever in your debt, you have no idea how much it drives this comic in a good way. These things make me believe in the comic and throw my all into it financially, mentally, creatively. It encourages Dex and I to continue on, and boldly go.
Plus, as I’ve said before, and as I’ll say again, turning two people on to the comic who will regularly read it helps SO MUCH. You have no idea.
With that growth in readership, oddly, comes a decline in sales. Please don’t take that as an indictment, it simply is what it is, and I want to figure out the hows and the whys of that, and endeavor to make the comic more worth your hard earned cashola. Maybe it’s that you guys bought the first book and figure that’s cool, that’s your contribution, or you’re one of the people that have bought everything (in which case you rock, and ignore me, you’re amazing). Maybe trades aren’t worth the cash for you, or the price point is too high, or you’re waiting for a hardcover. Maybe there’s no magic bullet, and I should just keep throwing stuff out there and being patient.
(Hint: That’s probably it! But I have no idea unless you comment and tell me, so speak up, folks! I want to make you happy!)
Or maybe you want the comic digitally, in full color? This is the avenue I am considering currently, and working on.
Don’t get me wrong, there will still be print trades, and the trades ARE breaking even for the print costs, but they’re not coming close to covering the production cost of the comic, which is an important (if not THE important) hurdle to leap to make the comic break even. I did the math a few times to see what covering production costs would entail, and it would be on the order of moving 70 books every two weeks. To date, there are about 125 of volume one out there, and about 25 of volume two, to give you an idea.
I don’t see 70 a week as possible in the near term, barring a major and continuing surge of hits, meaning print is not the route to making Cura sustainable right now, though I will keep doing it, of course.
I’m turning to you guys for suggestions. I did a poll asking what folks wanted, the number one thing was tee shirts, but so far, I’ve only sold a few, and not enough to meet the costs of producing them. That, too, is not an accusation or an attempt to make anyone feel bad, AT ALL (and please do not take it that way). I bring it up instead to ask what folks really want, and what I can do to help make this comic more sustainable financially.
I have been told to try Kickstarter or other fundraiser sites, but I don’t think the time for that is now, for several reasons. The first? I’m not in any danger of closing down the comic. I can sustain this production cost, though it’s tough, but I think kickstarter funds should go to good causes, like the gent who Marvel is suing over Ghost Rider rights, or to cover insurmountable difficulties. I am arrogantly bootstrap in my ways, perhaps to my own detriment. If so, tell me in the comments, I’m listening.
The tactic I am considering right now is a simple one. Lower the cost of production for something people will want, so I can take that money and pay for the operational costs of the comics (I’m in no way remotely concerned with profit, of yet, as the comic is still young. I just want to see if I can allay the monetary output in any way).
The best way to do that, by my reckoning, is offer something superbly cool and new at a decent price that people who love the comic will want. My thinking is that this will be color pages, in individual issues or trades, digitally, with extra content.
Here’s how it would go. I would make a file (say, 25 pages in color), and I would offer it to you guys for a given price, probably 2 to 2.50, no DRM. Each trade would be made up of four issues (there are natural breaks in the story I planned for, in case Cura ever went to individual issues), and if you bought the regular comics, you’d get the trade for free, and the overall cost would be cheaper than the individual issues (this would enable me to get funding for the comic faster, and give you added content at a deeper discount).
Example, say the comic prices out at 2 bucks, you’d buy color issues 1-4 as we finish them, and then you’d get the ten dollar digital color trade (with the script and extra goodies) for free. It might be 2.50 an issue and then you get the 13 dollar trade for the equivalent of ten bucks (don’t hold me to the price until I know for sure what it would be, or, in the comments, what you think a fair price is).
Another thing is the price point. I’ve been told to sell individual issues for five bucks, and for one buck, by varying people, all very certain that’s right, and it’s what people will want to pay. I know four bucks a comic sounds high to me, but I also know I’d pay five for an indie book I wanted to support, but maybe I’m a rare weirdo. Again, comments will help with this.
Does this sound insane? Is this a good way to move forward? You guys are the readers, so I let free a little more of the nuts and bolts of the inner workings of the comics than I’m comfortable with here in good faith (not to guilt you, which I’m afraid it will do, please do not feel guilt) in the hopes of making the experience work better for all of us.
Well, and of seeing more of stuff like this, which makes my eyes pop out with coolness:

Let me know what you think!
Also, note that I have put the blog back on the main page, seeing as it wasn’t getting seen too much as a separate page.
I love the idea of having the digital copies for free when you buy the physical comics. I sadly fall into the “broke college kid who would buy ALL THE THINGS if he could” category, but I have to say those buttons you sent out months ago for the fans who requested them have been getting more and more attention.
To be clear, I’m not talking about printed floppies (IE regular comics), but digital versions for your computer, iPad, or digital device… to try and avoid the (expensive) print step to try and make up for some of the losses, etc.
These look fantastic. Can’t wait to see more of them. I love the idea of doing digital comics, & like Stephen said, free downloads with the purchase of the physical comics.
To clarify (I think I worded it poorly) I mean digital comics, not printed floppies, which would be cost prohibitive and probably go for 4, 5 bucks a pop. Digital in color, though, would be what I’m talking about.
I think “added value” might be something to consider here. Maybe keep the current archives B/W, aside from certain pages and maybe chapter covers, and sell the digital issues in color? 2.50 per issue with discounts for trade/bulk/subscription/whatever sounds like a reasonable price point, and one I’d certainly consider paying myself.
That’s what I’m thinking… but what specific added value? We have sketches, scripts, posters, all kinds of stuff. What tickles your fancy?
I’d buy that. Almost certainly. Those pages look gorgeous, and I’m always looking for more good content for my iPad… 🙂
Have you looked into the stuff Mike Masnick is talking about at CwF + RtB = $$$ (Connect with Fans [you’re doing that] plus Reason to Buy [what’s scarce? Scarcity =value] equals profit). Look to get revenue from things we can’t download, rather than trying to get us to look at the same stuff twice. I’m not bitching, seriously, but the real revenue might be coming from the stuff that *can’t* be digitised.
I would think that makes sees, and it does if you consider the sketches… But then the shirts… Is it the design, y’think? We considered a side story, but that might slow down the main comic.
PS Love your comic, BTW but I have no effing idea where you’re going with it. Which is probably why I like it 😉
Another vote for the digital, coloured issues at ~$2-3 each. I’m enjoying the comic enough to want to help fund it, but my Graphic Novel wall needs to shrink, not expand. That colouring job looks very impressive. Nice work, Rodrigo.
I’m with you. A nuts and bolts question… will two dollars vs. three dollars make any difference, or make you more or less inclined to buy? I ask because that three dollar price point would make a heck of a difference from two, if people are willing to pay it…
2.99 😉
Cool. 🙂 Thanks.
– Community. I think you could do more to cultivate community on this site. A forum, for example.
– Ease & Accessibility. Maybe you need to look at the visibility of your products. How smooth of an experience is it to access and buy your stuff? (personally, I found it to be a bit clunky).
– Branding. Might be a good idea to put out some stuff that’s… less directly referential? (the background image here would look nice on a mug, for example)
– Alliance. Ever consider teaming up with some other creators? Pooling resources, making a group store? Hey, it’s worked for musicians (check out
– Subscription. Put color versions (and other goodies) behind a subscription?
Thank you for such a kind and thought out reply!
I will immediately endeavor to create a forum, great idea.
I find the store a bit clunky too, but I haven’t got any alternatives that work as well… do you know of any? I could certainly create a store with this interface, I just figured the other was better. (IE, my links and pics vs. their setup, which is automated).
I HAVE looked into mugs… the problem is the same as with the shirts. I could brand all over the place, but I have to have the money to do it… I laid out three hundred bucks on the shirts, and have made back maybe a third of that… though over time, that might change. Mugs would cost about five bucks, I think, to make, and I’d have to sell them for ten, and order 25… that’s the major hurdle with a given thing I really want to try (and there are many). Maybe I should do a pre-order to see if people are interested in a thing as an experiement, and just refund the money if it fails?
Alliance with other creators is one of the main reason Cura is what it is so far… and I am wholly agreed. Without Greg, Nunzio, Christina, Eric, Rebecca, and so many others, I’d be so lost. I’ll reach out to a few more though, and see what I can swing.
Subscriptions I thought of, like, say, I have pages through March already, and if people wanted to look at pages as they came up, I could charge a buck a month or something. But that seems exclusionary to me, on some level. Do you disagree? I don’t know. I know some people react violently when you ask them for money for anything, much less a comic, so I don’t know what people would think if I said, “Hey, for X a month, you can be ahead twelve weeks, as I get pages!”
That might be something. I don’t know. Other folks, would that make you rage?
Re: Forum
Trick would be to keep up traffic and activity, which might be difficult with just the one property to build around. BUT a forum would actually be a great way for you and some other creators to come together (without any hassles or complications, I might add) and cross-pollinate your audiences/generate buzz.
And, to be perfectly honest, I really believe independent creators need community focal points like that. So I’d also suggest devoting part of the forum to discussion about being web indies. Become a touchstone for the effort, as it were.
Re: Merchandise & Store
Lemme put it this way…
People come to your site. First thing they see is the comic page, which was no doubt the reason for the visit, so that’s immediately what engages them. They then read the page, which pulls them down to the obvious ads beneath it.
That’s great for the ads… but hey… where’s your merchandise in this experience? At this point it’s not clear that you even have any. You’re essentially depending on folks to come up with the notion that there might be something to buy and go looking for it.
Thing is, 1. it’s not a given that a site for a web comic is necessarily selling anything and, 2. the comic is what they’re (hopefully) thinking about, so spending money isn’t even on their mind. Either that or they clicked on an ad, in which case they’re not even here anymore.
However, assuming the notion to buy is had, they gotta scroll back up to find the ‘store’ link. That link, by the way, isn’t distinguished from the text around it. It’s not going to visually register for a lot of people, unless they’re specifically looking for it. Especially when it’s competing with the comic for attention. Which it is. So, even if someone is reading multiple pages, that link might be missed the entire time.
Anywho, clicking the link brings up the store. The store presents a bunch of images. Your t-shirt doesn’t look like a t-shirt, your books don’t look like books. What am I looking at there? Some people might take a moment to figure it out, but why depend on that when you don’t have to?
So, before doing anything else, I’d really recommend that you reassess the presentation of your product. Given the current setup, that your t-shirt has sold at all is likely a sign that it’d sell a lot better if you gave it more exposure. Same with the books.
(P.S.: a forum could help here too)
(P.S. again: the spiral graphic used for the store is very neat and something else that might look swank if it were put on merchandise)
Re: Subscriptions
Well, it is, in a sense, exclusionary… and that’s kinda the point. But if the content behind the subscription is not critical to enjoying the story (color vs. openly available B&W), and if it’s made clear that it exists to help fund the entire thing, I really doubt you’d get any serious backlash.
People want to support what they enjoy, right? If you’d rather eschew something like Kickstarter, my thought was that you could create a homegrown alternative, and an optional subscription-based collection of content would be a good way for you to do that, me thinks.
Hope this all gets the gears turnin’. 😉
I added a forum based on your suggestion, and just now I added a section for folks to talk about other comics… it’s a good idea, and I’ll see if I can get other creators into the idea…
You have more than gotten gears turning, you’ve really helped me out a lot in terms of noticing a few things I’ve missed, and that is an AMAZING help. I will work with Dex tonight to create a graphic to place just above the Project Wonderful ads, and I will re-jigger the store’s images to be more productive and eye catching. I do hope you’ll pop on in the next few and let me know what you think. It’s this kind of advice we really need, because I’m not amazing at selling things. I tend to miss the forest for the trees for the work, so this kind of thing saves me from myself… MANY thanks.
I love the subscription idea–I’m greedy for more story, so offer me the chance to see pages in advance and I will give you ALL MY MONEYS! Just as long as no one acts like a dick and spoils the story for the people who aren’t reading ahead.
Sounds awesome!
That’s another worry. But I can fix that easy… anyone who spoils the story ahead of time would have their subscription revoked.
So far, no one’s objected. I’ll seriously consider this. I’m more reluctant to do a pay wall, but if it keeps the comic going, it might be a really good thing…
Hell, we could do a situation where someone pays, say, 25 bucks, and in exchange they get comics ahead of time all year, and digital trades and floppies in color as they come out. That might just be the ticket…
Any thoughts?
The coloured pages look amazing. ^.^
Thanks! Wait until you see the others. HOLY COW.