Emerald City Comic Con and the BEACH!

Isn’t that rad? Work progresses with Rodrigo. In a few weeks, I hope to offer you the first digital color comic from Cura!
Also, there’s this, the beginnings of yet ANOTHER attempt for me to make extra-dimensional translocators (cross your fingers!):

We will also be at the EMERALD CITY COMIC-CON! Buy copies of the first and second trade in person, get shirts, sketches, and hopefully, transloactors!

I will be in fine company, hanging out with the awesome Jen Van Meter, creator of the magnificent Hopeless Savages and the lady that wrote the best Black Lightning story ever (seriously, go read it, you’ll see), and Greg Rucka, of Lady Sabre/Batman/Superman/Wolverine/Punisher/EVERYCHARACTEROMG fame. Also present and nearby will be Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir, two great writers who have also done a ton of work for both major houses, Oni, and TV! Great folks, all, and well worth coming to see/reading their stuff if you haven’t already.
And hey, folks, Greg is also doing a signing locally, at Things From Another World, tomorrow, if you’re about. Free beer and food, to boot!
I know for sure Rebecca and James Hicks of Little Vampires will be at the con as well, so there you go. Already worth double the cost of admission!
Please, however, no matter how flattering it would be, do not come dressed as the naked police. Also, do not really cut off your nose… you wouldn’t know how much it stinks, but it does.
Now, back to work, where I will… hey, what’s this?

(HINT: You’ll know March 12th!)
Have fun at the con! I am so jealous, it sounds like you will have a blast.
“Do not come dressed as the naked police.” Aww man, stop being such a buzzkill–there’s no cosplay idea easier or cheaper! 😉
If I were in charge, I’d totally allow it. But the men in the blue shirts with the collars would get mad at me. Heh.
I so wish I could go to this. Especially to meet Jen Van Meter and hang out with you again Neal. Ah well maybe some other year. I am intrigued as to who the folks you can’t name are. Can you give any hints?
Can’t wait to see you at ECCC this year! I’m working Artist Alley again so let me know where you will be sitting. Will you be setting up Thursday evening?
Not sure… I haven’t figured it out. But I will be in town Thursday night. You have my number? If not, shoot me an email.
What table will you guys be at for ECC?
I will be with Greg Rucka and Jen Van Meter at or near G-7.
Ah. I guess I took “hanging out” a bit less literally than it was meant.