Cura Color Logistics

It’s DONE.
The first issue of Cura, pages 1-25, is now colored and in the can! I could start handing it out to you guys right now, but then, I have to figure out a few things first, and for that, I was hoping to turn to the readership.
This mysterious “color” thing has value in a digital medium. Maybe you fine folks can help me figure out what that is. Any comments would be appreciated.
Please note this entire conversation concerns DIGITAL copies, not PRINT copies. Print copies of color Cura are aways off, and frankly dependent upon future sales. Color is VERY expensive to print.
I’m guessing a good, fair price for a color comic these days is about $3.99. That’s what I see in shops. I want to price the first digital Cura color issue at $2.99. That’s a buck cheaper than your average issues, and it enables us to do the OTHER STUFF you’ll dig.
If this first issue (and the subsequent two) are moderately successful, my plan is to continue with the color issues until I have a trade, and when we get there, release the SUPER DUPER DOUBLE SUPER SECRET trade at a discount for loyal readers/buyers.. What that means, essentially, is that if YOU buy the first three trades you get the trade with all the bonuses and extras FREE, and at an extraordinary discount (33%). The prices would be $2.99, $2.99, and then $3.99 for the last one I’m thinking, because it’s 32 pages instead of 25 (1)/22 (2).
Everyone else would pay slightly more, after a deadline. Say, $14.99 for what the people who bought early and supported the cost of production would get for $9.99. Don’t worry, I’ll make the deadline for that very clear on the site, and given the fact that the SUPER DUPER trade has to be put together, you can likely buy all three after the third issue has come out and still get the deal. There will be a week to a month gap as I set up the trade.
So, in the digital medium I have a ton of space to goof around. What does that mean? It means that when I do the digital color trade, I can throw in a ton of stuff I can’t put in the print trade. I can put in the FULL SCRIPT (minus stuff that gives away the big mysteries). I can put in ALL of Dex’s pencils. I can put in the ROUGH INS. I can put in EXCLUSIVE SHORT STORIES. That’s what we’d be fighting for, creating and buying these, supporting them. If that’s something you’d dig, let me know.
Hoo boy. Okay. I’ll be straight up with you guys. The distributors want a cut, and I don’t want to give them one. Why? Well, because all they offer me, potentially, is new exposure, and there’s no way that my comic is going to stand out next to THE MIGHTY INCREDIBLE ULTIMATE HULK AVENGING SUPERMAN. Not right now. It’s just not likely. I’m not saying I wouldn’t sell a few books, but I wouldn’t sell many, and it’s much easier to keep things simple and on this site with people who really do care to be here, as opposed to the cold sell with strangers. That said, I’m not a fool, and I know many of you probably use Comixology and/or Drivethru and/or INSERT COMPANY HERE to buy your digital comics. This brings me to a problem. If it’s on those sites, the digital copies are also easier to distribute/for you to read.
I am tech savvy with regards to digital comics. I know how to get a CBR, CBZ, PDF, or even individual images up on an iPad/computer and read them, conveniently, and easily. If you DON’T, however, if you’re one of those folks who get the comixology app and don’t want to screw with figuring out how to load a comic into a reader, then it may be frustrating to you to be confronted with local distribution. For instance, if you had to download GOODREADER to read the Cura comic, would you do it? Or would it being on Comixology with that simplicity make or break your purchase?
Rest assured, no matter HOW we did it, I’d have a set of easy directions for you to figure out the process, and it wouldn’t be more than a five minute thing.
I know I have no problem downloading/using new programs for that kind of thing, but I don’t know about you folks, and it’s important that I know so I can decide whether to do this locally or whether I’ll have to take cuts and worry about creator rights with major distribution companies.
Right now, I am patterning my digital comic size off the average downloadable comic, which has a width of 1280. That’s about a fifteen meg file. It fills my large monitor really well. If you have a different standard/know something I don’t know, please tell me. I based it off some of the comics I’ve downloaded.
Some time in the next few days, I will release a preview so you can see that what you will purchase has value. I am unsure how big of a preview is sufficient. When I see a preview on Newsarama that’s three pages, I’m like “Come on, guys, I need to see more.” When I see 10 pages, I’m like “Holy crap, they just gave away the whole comic!”
I am inclined to give away more than I am to be stingy. I am thinking a nine page preview. Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.
That’s… that’s about it. Let me know what you guys think. And let Dex know how awesome that cover is, huh? He really knocked it out!
I think $2.99 sounds awesome for the price of a digital copy per chapter, I’m lazy, so I wouldn’t want to download anything new, which makes PDFs better to me than anything I’d have to download and I think 5-8 pages would be a fair preview. *checks to make sure all points are covered* Also, how soon were you looking to put out the colored issues? Because I don’t get my check until next week. XD
It will be available in PDF, CBR, CBZ, RAR, ZIP, and anything else folks need I can come up with.
The plan is next week. I have to add a last page, but everything else is ready steady.
$2.99 sounds like a good price to me. Of course, I would give you ALL MY MONIES not already earmarked towards student loans, groceries, gas, and most importanly, booze. … As far as format goes, PDF sounds like the best. I’m not too familiar with digital comics, and haven’t had any experience with different comic reader software. Also, I’m so looking forward to the super duper double secret trade.
Keep kicking ass, you guys!