Before there was Cura, there was SWERVE!
In addition to Secrets and Shadows, Dex has more work out, as of now!

Swerve #1, with art by Dex and words by Jon Judy, tells the story of Eric Layton’s fall into the drug biz, and it’s quite an awesome read. You can get it for a cool buck here, quite a bargain. The issue has a cool draw-in and a rad story, and this is from a guy who hasn’t ever really been a fan of wrestling. It’s got the character and heart of a larger story, per Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. Don’t take my word for it, though, check out the preview on the comixology page.
The trade, a collected edition of the first six issues, will be out in February.
Go! Buy! Enjoy!
I saw Dex post about this on Twitter. It looks great!