Outlaw Territory!
At long last, I can tell you guys about a project I’m involved with for Image Comics!
Outlaw Territory Volume Three is a western anthology put together by Michael Woods. If you’ve read the last two, they feature wonderful stories from a bygone era, tales of woe, tales of humor, tales of historical import, but most of all, they’re short, they’re sweet, and they’re a great read.
I have two stories in the anthology, one called West of Eden, and the other Tolliver’s Folly. It was my honor and pleasure to work with James Reekie on art for West of Eden, and for Tolliver’s Folly, Dustin D’Arnault did the art, and Thomas Mauer did the letters. The book will be $24.99, and has 296 pages. It will be solicited in the next Previews, and comes out June 19th. Don’t worry, I’ll post more here about the where and why and how of the thing.
I can’t reveal any of the story without giving away spoilers, which is a no-no, but I think it’s okay to say that West of Eden is a serious story, and Tolliver is more of a comedy. Here are a few sample pages, for your perusal!
West of Eden:

Tolliver’s Folly:

Congratulations! I don’t normally read Westerns, but I’ll give yours a try.
Looks very good. Hope this the start of a fruitful relationship with Image Comics.