You are correct… my phrasing was short-sighted. 🙂 I meant to say that there are already many great existing zombie books.
Dead Winter looks awesome!
That’s not to say I’m averse to doing one… or to make any commentary on existing books, more just that this specific one doesn’t seem to lend itself to zombies.
Im going to assume that this means that DE wont kill any more Charlies now? i remember something about him being the last one to die, which is why im assuming the undertaker is so happy.
Still id live to know where he came from : so many questions!!!!!!!
Maybe I have this wrong, but surely there are other anchor universes? Its just that this group of good and bad char lies haven’t discovered them yet.
Following the theory you’ve used so far at least.
How long has the Undertaker been responsible for the graveyard? Which Charlie is he thanking? Was he aware of the plan to nuke the anchor universe?
I must know more about the Undertaker.
We all know what happens next….
HAH! No. There’s already one guy doing a really great zombie indie, heh.
Just one guy doing a really great zombie indie, huh? 😉
(For me that’d be S. Dave Shabet.)
You are correct… my phrasing was short-sighted. 🙂 I meant to say that there are already many great existing zombie books.
Dead Winter looks awesome!
That’s not to say I’m averse to doing one… or to make any commentary on existing books, more just that this specific one doesn’t seem to lend itself to zombies.
No worries, there will be more Undertaker in the future.
How long? That will be explained in story.
Which Charlie? You’ll see. Promise. 😉
Was he aware? Yes. But that’s all I can say about that, and the page is supposed to infer it, which is why I clarify, just in case.
Im going to assume that this means that DE wont kill any more Charlies now? i remember something about him being the last one to die, which is why im assuming the undertaker is so happy.
Still id live to know where he came from : so many questions!!!!!!!
DE is the kind who might lie… Or it may be more complex than that, as you’ll see.
Maybe I have this wrong, but surely there are other anchor universes? Its just that this group of good and bad char lies haven’t discovered them yet.
Following the theory you’ve used so far at least.
He’s old. He should have white hair, not brown hair. Even if you blame lighting effects, it should at least be lighter than his skin.
That’s just good old dirt! Dirt from working burying people all day. Gets in the hair, makes it darker.
I may be slightly reaching, but that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!